Jul 07, 2024  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog

Glossary of Terms

This reference guide is designed to assist in defining terms frequently used at Missouri State University and in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Academic Advisor : A University employee who is committed to helping students meet their educational goals and to make informed and responsible decisions.
Academic Year : Begins in August with the fall Intersession, continues through the spring semester and concludes with the summer session.
Alumni : Individuals who have attended or graduated from a particular college or University.
Admission to Degree Program : A process required of students who have a major with specific admission requirements.
Auditing a Class : A grading option that allows completion of a course without receiving credit or a traditional grade. An audited course cannot be used to fulfill a degree requirement.
BearPass Card : Student’s official University identification card.
Block : Classes meets for only the first or second half of the term (semester).
Board of Governors : Governing body for Missouri State University appointed by the Governor of Missouri.
Catalog : University’s official publication of academic policies and procedures, programs of study and course offerings for a particular academic year.
Certificate : Document representing that the student has completed a University Certificate.
Chancellor : Highest administrative officer of the campus.
Change of Schedule Period : First five days of the fall, spring, and summer semester sessions in which students can add and drop classes.
Class Schedule : An online listing of courses offered for a specific term.
College Level Examinations Program (CLEP) : Program that allows students to receive credit by examination instead of completing a course.
Commencement : Ceremony held at the end of the spring semester to recognize candidates for graduation.

Core 42 :

A framework for general education that all Missouri public two- and four-year institutions of higher education will adopt effective for the 2018-19 academic year that will facilitate the seamless transfer of academic credits.
Corequisite : Two or more courses that must be taken during the same semester.
Credit by Examination (CBE) : Method of earning academic credit outside of traditional course offerings.
Credit Hour : Standard unit of measuring coursework. The unit of credit used at Missouri State is the semester hour.
Cross-Listed Courses : Two or more different courses taught in the same room, at the same time, with the same instructor. Students may receive credit toward graduation for only one.
Darr Honors Program : Designed to serve the needs of academically talented, high-achieving students accepted into the Honors College Program.
Dean’s List : Published list of students who have achieved a specific level of achievement established by the University. The list is published at the conclusion of each semester and Summer Session.
Degree Audit : Advising tool designed to assist in tracking a student’s progress towards graduation.
Department Head : Administrative officer holding faculty rank; responsible for a primary unit within an academic organization.
Diploma : Document provided by the University certifying that the student has earned a degree.
Division Chair : Administrative officer holding faculty rank; responsible for a grouping of academic departments and degree programs
Dual Enrollment : Typically refers to high school students who are receiving high school credit while also being enrolled in college-level credit. This term can also refer to students who are concurrently enrolled in two or more higher education institutions.
Enrollment Status : Terms used for reporting a student’s academic load to external agencies. (i.e., full-time, half-time, less than half-time)
Good Standing : Academic status of students who are not on probation or under suspension.
General Education Requirements : Group of foundation courses required of undergraduate students regardless of the student’s major.
Grade Point : Numerical value given to grades. For example, four grade points per credit hour is awarded for a grade of “A”.
Grade Point Average (GPA) : Calculation derived from dividing the grade points earned by the number of credits attempted.
Hold : Block which prohibits students from functions such as registering for courses or receiving a transcript or diploma. 
Honors, Scholastic Designation indicated on the graduates’ diploma and transcript that reflects outstanding scholarship.
Identical Courses : Those courses identified by multiple course codes and/or numbers that are taught in the same classroom, at the same time and by the same instructor. Student may only receive credit toward graduation for one.
Incomplete Grade : Assigned when a student has not completed all work for a course and the instructor agrees to allow additional time for completion of the course.
Internship : Work at a business or agency related to a student’s major and/or career plans for which credit hours are awarded.
Intersession : Brief period (typically 1-3 weeks) between semesters when a limited number of courses are offered.
My Grizzly Den : Web-based system that provides access to personal student information, email, blackboard, online registration and much more. A BearPass account is required to access the system.
Non-Resident : Student who does not meet requirements for classification as a Missouri resident for fee purposes in accordance with the residence policy.
Non-Traditional Student : Includes evening students, married students, students with children and students of 22 years of age or older.
Option : Subset of courses within a degree program that represent a specialized area of study. Officially approved options appear on the transcript but are not printed on the diploma.
Overload : Semester credit hours that exceed the maximum number of hours permitted based on the student level (undergraduate or graduate). Permission is required for an overload.
Pass/Not Pass : Grading option that allows students to pursue coursework without receiving a traditional grade noted on course or transcript.
Prerequisite : Specific requirements that must be met prior to enrolling in a given class. Prerequisites may consist of courses, test scores or enrollment in a specific program of study.
Probation : Status that indicates unsatisfactory academic progress. Students may be subject to academic load limitations and other restrictions.
Program of Study : All requirements that a student must complete in order to be awarded a degree or University certificate.
Readmission : Admission process followed by a student who wishes to enroll after not taking classes for two major semesters excluding summer.
Registration Restriction : A type of prerequisite that requires student be in a specific program of study in order to take the class
Reinstatement : Process by which a suspended student appeals to return to the University.
Semester : Instructional period of 15 weeks plus a final examination period offered twice a year (referred to as Fall and Spring semester). Additional instructional periods include intersessions and a summer session.
Service Learning : Program which allows students to earn academic credit in selected courses in exchange for meaningful and productive community service.
Student Services Fees : Required fees assessed at the time of registration that cover the student’s access to a variety of services, programs and activities.
Suspension : Status that prevents a student from enrolling in courses unless an exception is granted by the dean of the student’s major.
Syllabus : Document describing the objectives, outcomes, assessment activities and structure of a course that is made available to students during the first week of classes.
Term : Terminology for a semester.
Transcript : Serves as the student’s official academic record and the University’s official record of credit and degrees awarded, including the courses taken by a student and the grades received in each course. Probations, suspensions and disciplinary expulsions also appear on the transcript.
Transfer Credit : Courses taken at another accredited institution and accepted toward degree requirements at Missouri State.
Tuition : The amount of money that must be paid for classes. Other fees may be assessed in addition to tuition.
Vice Chancellor : Highest administrative officer within academic affairs or student services.
W’ Grade : Indicates student withdrew from (dropped) a class without academic penalty.