Oct 05, 2024  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Missouri State-West Plains Behavioral Intervention Team Policy

I. University Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)

The University’s Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is an inter-department group that identifies problematic student behavior, assesses the nature and severity of that behavior, and works with University resources to implement appropriate interventions based on that
student behavior. The BIT will utilize the National Association for Behavioral Intervention Teams (NaBITA) Threat Assessment Model as well as additional resources to identify, assess, and intervene in response to problematic behavior affecting student success and the education and operational processes of the University.

The goal of the BIT is to provide a proactive and supportive resource for the identification, assessment, and intervention of problematic behavior that raises concerns within the University community.

II. BIT Meetings and Membership

The BIT meets each Thursday from 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. during all academic semesters, and bi-weekly during the summer session.

BIT is composed of members of the university community which include:

  • Vice Chancellor of Student Services (Chair)
  • Director, Office of Advising and Academic Support (Vice-Chair)
  • Director, Student Life and Development
  • Coordinator of Residence Life
  • Vice Chancellor of Student Services Administrative Assistant
  • Student Support Specialist
  • Equal Opportunity Liaison / Deputy Title IX Coordinator
  • Other University personnel necessary for particular student of concern
  • Deputy Compliance Officer
  • Associate General Counsel

Additional individuals may be asked to participate in BIT meetings or provide information relevant to BIT discussions as needed.

III. Procedure Manual

The BIT is responsible for drafting, adopting, and utilizing a Procedure Manual based on guidance available from NaBITA and other resources regarding student risk assessment and intervention. The BIT Procedure Manual will be reviewed annually during the summer semester by the BIT and other University officials.

IV. BIT Referrals

All members of the University community, regardless of their membership in the BIT, are encouraged to immediately report concerning and/or problematic student behavior to the BIT. In case of an emergency, the community is instructed to call 9 1 1. Otherwise, referrals to the BIT can be made directly to:

Vice Chancellor of Student Services at (417) 255-7225 or AngelaTotty@MissouriState.edu Through the online BIT referral form available at: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?MissouriStateUniv&layout_id=15

V. Mandated BIT Assessments

Consistent with the authority granted under the University’s Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities (Code), the BIT, in collaboration with the Vice Chancellor of Student Services Office, may, in certain situations, issue a temporary order for a mandated assessment relating to a student of concern. Such assessment will only be requested in limited circumstances. Consistent with the Code, any mandated assessment will not be punitive but solely evaluative in nature so that the BIT may better determine the student’s functioning and the context of the concerning behavior. Failure to participate in any mandated BIT assessment will result in consequences under the University’s Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, including but not limited to interim suspension, and/or dismissal.

Line of Authority

Responsible Administrator and Office: Vice Chancellor of Student Services
Contact Person in that Office: Vice Chancellor of Student Services

Effective Date: September 16, 2019